a) British money:
(In: http://www.google.com.br/imgres?q=british+money&um=1&hl=pt-BR&biw=1280&bih=854&tbm=isch&tbnid=2-Pd4sxjIuvpiM:&imgrefurl=http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php%3Fimage%3D2623%26picture%3Dbritish-money&docid=Pe_uOS3AwV0-SM&w=615&h=461&ei=ju2BTq2yB8TYgAeswNEY&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=1077&page=1&tbnh=148&tbnw=207&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=162&ty=120)
Uma libra esterlina, ou simplesmente, uma libra = 01 pound.
Uma libra tem 100 pence.
Observe que:
1 p = one penny (informal is one p)
5 p = five pency (informal is five p)
£ = pound = libra
£ = pound = libra
£ 2.72 = two pounds seventy-two (pence) or two pounds and seventy-two pence (more formal).
b) American English:
(In: http://www.google.com.br/imgres?q=american+money&um=1&hl=pt-BR&sa=N&tbm=isch&tbnid=YWtRB1MC2A66YM:&imgrefurl=http://edschultzmsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/03/25/tna-wresting-continues-encouraging-the-mexican-racist-disrespect-to-the-american-people/&docid=jUYH4UNW_cs1OM&w=400&h=300&ei=3fuBTvLTKsbDgQeC2_xA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=314&page=1&tbnh=156&tbnw=197&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&tx=190&ty=79&biw=1246&bih=858)
Observe que:
One dollar = 01 dólar = 100 cents = 100 centavos.
One-cent coins = um centavo = pennies.
Five-cent coins = cinco centavos = nickels.
Ten-cent coins = dez centavos = dimes.
Twenty-five cent coins = vinte e cinco centavos = a quarter.
Now look at that yo-yo's, that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb
We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's
See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he's a millionaire
We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchens deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's
I shoulda learned to play the guitar
I shoulda learned to play them drums
Look at that mama, she got it stickin' in the camera
Man we could have some fun
And he's up there, what's that? Hawaiian noises?
Bangin' on the bongoes like a chimpanzee
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Get your money for nothin' get your chicks for free
We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's
Now that ain't workin', that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free
Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Money for nothin' and chicks for free..
b) American English:
(In: http://www.google.com.br/imgres?q=american+money&um=1&hl=pt-BR&sa=N&tbm=isch&tbnid=YWtRB1MC2A66YM:&imgrefurl=http://edschultzmsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/03/25/tna-wresting-continues-encouraging-the-mexican-racist-disrespect-to-the-american-people/&docid=jUYH4UNW_cs1OM&w=400&h=300&ei=3fuBTvLTKsbDgQeC2_xA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=314&page=1&tbnh=156&tbnw=197&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&tx=190&ty=79&biw=1246&bih=858)
Observe que:
One dollar = 01 dólar = 100 cents = 100 centavos.
One-cent coins = um centavo = pennies.
Five-cent coins = cinco centavos = nickels.
Ten-cent coins = dez centavos = dimes.
Twenty-five cent coins = vinte e cinco centavos = a quarter.
(In: http://www.google.com.br/imgres?q=american+money&um=1&hl=pt-BR&sa=N&tbm=isch&tbnid=-Doda1JHIvCU5M:&imgrefurl=http://coins.about.com/od/worldcoins/ig/World-Coins-Gallery-Index/American-Money---Coins.htm&docid=sBQbCIraul6amM&w=1000&h=373&ei=3fuBTvLTKsbDgQeC2_xA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=262&page=1&tbnh=73&tbnw=197&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0&tx=162&ty=51&biw=1246&bih=858)
That's it!
Talking about money... Let's sing?
Money For Nothing - Dire Straits.
Now look at that yo-yo's, that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb
We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's
See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he's a millionaire
We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchens deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's
I shoulda learned to play the guitar
I shoulda learned to play them drums
Look at that mama, she got it stickin' in the camera
Man we could have some fun
And he's up there, what's that? Hawaiian noises?
Bangin' on the bongoes like a chimpanzee
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Get your money for nothin' get your chicks for free
We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's
Now that ain't workin', that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free
Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Money for nothin' and chicks for free..
(In: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsnA0ix9hZU)
* Dire Straits were a British rock band from 1977 to 1995.
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